Monday, July 2, 2007

Paris Hilton will not lead the bulletin

Paris Hilton may have emerged out of the prison to a blinding array of flashes, but there are still some people who think that she does not deserve such publicity

TV news presenter refused to lead her bulletin with the latest story, and even tried to set the script on fire and feed it to a shredder machine. Mika, a presenter at MSNBC’s Morning Joe show, refused to read about Hilton’s release from jail ahead of items on Iraq and developments at the White House, reports a website.
She repeatedly argued with her co-presenters about it being the lead story. She told viewers, “I hate it and I don’t think it should be our lead. I just don’t believe in covering that story, at least not as the lead story on the newscast, when we have a day like today.”
Then, on the next bulletin, she took a co-presenter’s cigarette lighter and tried to burn the script. She later refused to read it for the third time and took the script to the shredder and fed it to the machine. When images of Hilton leaving jail were shown, Mika had her head in her hands as the camera returned to the studio.

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