Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lohan Denies Owning Cocaine

Lindsay Lohan
Coming home after two long trips to rehab and with a plethora of legal problems ahead of her already troubled career, has claimed that she can't be held responsible for her arrest, in an e-mail sent to 'Access Hollywood' host Billy Bush. She has declined that the cocaine that the cops found from her possession, belonged to her.

Meanwhile, Lohan is still to appear for the first summer shoot of her upcoming flick 'Dare to Love'. However, the producers of this movie have ensured that this role will not be snatched from her at all, by showing compassion with her as regards the current scenario.

On the top of it, in the middle of this big scene, Lohan's latest flick 'I Know Who Killed Me' is set to hit theaters this Friday, which ensures that it is going to be a great crowd puller initially.

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